Membership Agreement
Our dedication is to the members and their families to always be: Impeccable with our words, put forth our honest and right actions and nurture clarity in the mind to foster brilliance ultimately generated by our heart.
Membership Agreement
1. Refunds Policy
At this time 7Generations Forward Project LLC (7GFP) will not issue refunds you may participate remotely or speak with a facilitator for options.
In the event a facilitator becomes unable to teach pursuant to this Agreement by reason of illness, incapacity or death and no replacement is available or any reasonable circumstance outside and beyond the control of an Facilitator your 7GFP Membership Fee will be reimbursed or pro-rated which ever would apply and paid to participant within 14 days following the occurrence.
2. Payment
All Membership Packages are on a four week cycle, quarterly or yearly.
Note: If you save your card on file when purchasing, it will automatically be billed every 4 weeks. If you would like to receive and invoice 7 days before your membership expires and pay it manually, simply do not choose the option to store your card on file.
3. Schedule
We at 7GFP may need to make adjustments or changes. Notice of any adjustments or changes will be posted on the website on our Announcement page and on a common information board at the entrance of the building. Our goal is to provide flexibility and stability.
4. Communications
We request members/parents/guardians/students/family members/individuals to make their facilitators aware of any and all health concerns such as injuries, allergies, and medical disabilities.
5. Other Considerations
Members are encouraged to have their water container.
We remind all members that if you feel unwell, please stay home and rest. You can always participate remotely.
6. Read our Terms and Conditions
Artwork by Marvin Jonason