Class Schedule
Any questions regarding classes:
Connect with Coach Sam
(415) 525-6272
for Sabre Fencing and Dao Meditation
For all Dance Classes, Choreography, Performance Group and Company Rehearsals:
​Connect with Tamara Lynn
Email: lovelandpac@gmail.com
place your interest in the subject field.
Instructors and Classes
Keytra Asandi Contemporary and Classical Ballet Technique Class
Moshen Contemporary Dance, Contact/Improv & Choreography Class
BlueprintA Performance Art Class
Pointe Technique
Company ~ Professionals Performances & Rehearsal with:
Keytra Asandi CB and Moshen CD
BlueprintA Performance Art
International Certificate of Dance Program
Yearly Technical Ability and Choreography Assessment
Private Lessons
Dance Class Bundle Prices
Beginner Saber Fencing
Intermediate Saber Fencing
Private Saber Fencing Instruction
with the Fencing Academy of Denver
Hosted by Love Performing Arts Center
Classes run on a 4 week membership cycle
Please look at our Announcements page for Updates
(may vary between instructors ~ talk with them directly)
Variations to 4 week membership classes:
6 week Beginner Sabre Fencing
Refund Policy
Weekly Schedule
Individual to small group classes of 2-4
4:30pm - 5:45pm
Keytra Asandi Ballet ~ Contemporary and Classical Intermediate
Pointe Technique must be Intermediate level or above. 18 years and up (exceptions may apply)
with Tamara Lynn, International Dance Council CID
​5:45pm - 7:00pm
Company Rehearsals
Keytra Asandi Contemporary Ballet, MoShen Contemporary Dance
and BlueprintA Performance Art Group
4:15pm - 5:45pm
Keytra Asandi Ballet ~ Contemporary and Classical Int/Adv.
Pointe Technique must be Intermediate level or above. 18 years and up (exceptions may apply)
with Tamara Lynn, International Dance Council CID
5:45pm - 6:45pm
BlueprintA Performance Art Class
This class is a mix of ballet, contemporary ballet, contemporary dance and contact Improv integrated with style, technique and performance art.
6:45pm - 8:00pm
Company Rehearsals
Keytra Asandi Contemporary Ballet, MoShen Contemporary Dance
4:30pm - 5:45pm
Keytra Asandi Ballet ~ Contemporary and Classical Intermediate
Pointe Technique must be Intermediate level or above. 18 years and up (exceptions may apply)
with Tamara Lynn, International Dance Council CID
5:45pm - 7:00pm
Company Rehearsals
Keytra Asandi Contemporary Ballet, MoShen Contemporary Dance
4:15pm - 5:45pm
Keytra Asandi Ballet ~ Contemporary and Classical Int/Adv
Pointe Technique must be Intermediate level or above. 18 years and up (exceptions may apply)
with Tamara Lynn, International Dance Council CID
5:45pm - 6:45pm
MoShen Contemporary Dance / Contact & Improv
Contemporary Dance and Contact / Improv
with Tamara Lynn, International Dance Council CID
​​Classes with Sam
4:30pm - 5:30pm
Overview and Pricing: Beginning Sabre Fencing
5:30pm - 7:00pm
Overview and Pricing: Intermediate Sabre Fencing
7:15pm - 8:15pm
Overview and Pricing: Dao Meditation
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Ballet / Contemporary Dance / Contact / Improv
Class ends with Integrated Yoga

Dance Class Overview, Days,
Times and Purchase
Keytra Asandi
Ballet ~ Contemporary and Classical and Pointe
Classes for pre-professional and professional performers
Monday and Wednesday
4:30pm - 5:45pm
Tuesday and Thursday
4:15pm - 5:45pm
12:00pm - 1:00pm
By specifically integrating classical technique with contemporary ballet, dancers are able to increase their understanding on how technique is applied.
Progressive Combinations formatted with a modified traditional class layout ie. barre/centre barre, center, allegro (petit and grande), Adagio and Pointe. Integral Yoga at the end of each class in complimenting a path to maintain stretch, eliminate injuries and nurture balance.
(this class is designed to be focused on performance with a professional direction)
Keytra Asandi Contemporary Ballet with Classical Integration is a class where technical styles are integrated and authenticity is revered. Vaganova Method, Chechetti Science and Balanchine Ballet provide the foundation for further movement theory to be explored and developed.
The phrase I like to use to define my technical class composition is:
Structure compelled to support while releasing impeding confinements. 'We find freedom through a discipline and ourselves through releasing our attachments and letting go.'
Barre/Centre Barre, Centre work, Adagio, Petite Allegro and Grand Allegro
Vaganova's syllabus builds on a carefully developed progression in which the "basic" or "preparatory" forms are mastered before the dancer moves on to more difficult forms. This can be understood as a codified technical approach when taught by qualified teachers following the syllabus closely. The syllabus is founded upon the idea that when a dancer is introduced to a step, he or she will have developed the correct strength in foundation in order for their steps and movements to be successful. It is understood that this strength-building requires time and consistent hard work. Wikipedia.org
“The Cecchetti system is professional, logical and its technical demands are totally revealing. (its) ports de bras are known far and wide for their simplicity, purity of line and their sheer beauty.” — excerpt from Miss O: My Life in Dance by kind permission of Betty Oliphant, C.C., LL. D., D.Litt., F.I.S.T.D. (C.S.B., S.B.), Co-founder and former Artistic Director and Principal of the National Ballet School of Canada. Wikipedia.org
Balanchine Ballet "neoclassical style".
During Balanchine's career as a choreographer, Balanchine was known for his expressive nature coupled with his musicality and passion for working with brilliant leading composers.
$25 Drop In Friday
$30 Drop In Inter Level I - IV
$35 Drop In Int/Adv
$80 Friday 4 classes for 4 weeks
$100 Intermediate Level I - IV 4 classes for 4 weeks
$185 Intermediate Level I - IV 8 classes for 4 weeks
$125 Inter/Adv 4 classes for 4 weeks
$220 Inter/Adv 8 classes for 4 weeks

MoShen Contemporary Dance Class
with Contact Improvisation & Choreography
including Floor Work, Leaps, Jumps and Turns.
Somatics being the inner context for purposeful movement, dancers explore contact/Improv, movement composition supported by Laban Movement Analysis and Bartenieff Fundamentals integrated with contemporary dance and Choreography by Tamara Lynn and the student (if interested in choreographing).
Movement Philosophies go far beyond simple entertainment into a beautiful form of communication and expression. MoShen class is designed for developing your movement art. All levels welcome.
$25 Drop In
$80 4 classes for 4 weeks
or Multiple Class Bundle Prices
Performance Art Class
with Tamara Lynn
Performance Art meets Dance Performance integrating contact dance, Improvisation and contemporary movement. Exploration and creative expression lays the groundwork for original concepts that may include; props spoken word, theatrical themes and live music.
5:45pm - 6:45pm
$20 Drop In
$75 4 classes for 4 weeks
Artistic Director & Choreographer Tamara Lynn, International Dance Council CID
Dance Class Bundle
4 week Membership ~ Mix and Match classes
$235 THREE Classes a week (13+ hrs monthly)
$295 FOUR Classes a week (18+ hrs monthly)
$350 FIVE Classes a week (22+ hrs a monthly)
$385 SIX Classes a week (30 hrs montlyh)
$410 SEVEN Classes a week (34 hrs monthly)

Keytra Asandi CBC ~ BlueprintA & MoShen

Company Performances & Rehearsals
Monday and Wednesday 5:45pm - 7:00pm
Tuesday 6:45pm - 8pm
As company member you must take at least TWO classes a week and you have:
1) The ability to develop your portfolio.
2) Be included when original works are presented on
an International Platform.
3) Perform locally and Internationally
For Performance Art and Company Rehearsals:
​Connect with Tamara Lynn
Email: lovelandpac@gmail.com
place your interest in the subject field.
Place BlueprintA Performance Art, Keytra Asandi and/or MoShen in the subject field.
Or leave message: 970-305-5746
Private Class

Contemporary Dance
Integrated Yoga
Classicaal Ballet
Contemporary Ballet
Contact & Improv
$65 - $85 per session
Contact me to setup a time
"A Plethora of artistry that range from light hearted to comedic to solemn, ethereal and especially surrealistic.
~ Calvin Cotton, Graphic Designer"